We’ve posted two new documents to help folks with course planning: the Fall 2012 Course Matrix, which is a quick visual reference of courses offered for Fall 2012, organized by campus (pictured at right) , and a full listing of all ITM courses which will tell you what term each course is normally offered in, and if it is offered online.
Jeremy Hajek (BITM ’04, MITM ’07) has been appointed Industry Associate Professor of Information Technology and Management, assuming full-time faculty responsibilities. He has also been promoted to Systems Architect in the School of Applied Technology information technology organization; the SAT Computer Systems Managers at Main and Rice Campuses will report to him in this capacity.

Madeleine England (BITM ’11, MITM ’12) has been promoted to Program Manager for the Information Technology and Management degree programs from her previous part-time position as Program Coordinator, and has also been appointed Adjunct Industry Associate Professor of Information Technology and Management. She will also be assuming the responsibility of Director of Graduate Admissions for Information Technology and Management over the next few months.
We added two new courses to the Fall ITM schedule today.
ITMM 581, IT Entrepreneurship, is taught by the School of Applied Technology’s Dean Bob Carlson; the course will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:30 pm in Perlstein Hall room 109.
ITMM 470 and ITMM 570, Fundamentals of Management for Technical Professionals, will be taught by Adjunct Industry Associate Professor Madeleine England, who is also the ITM Program Manager with her office in Perlstein 223. This class will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:30 pm at a Main Campus location yet to be determined, and will also be offered online.
Neither course has a prerequisite!