The Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET recently completed its assessment of the Bachelor of Information Technology and Management Program within the School of Applied Technology at Illinois Tech and has accredited the program. ITM is the first ABET-accredited Information Technology program in Illinois. Full details of the accreditation and the meaning for ITM undergrads is at Our accreditation dates from October 2014. Thus, everyone who has received the Bachelor of Information Technology and Management (BITM) degree since December 2014 is now a graduate of an ABET-accredited program.

Fifty for the Future honoree Zeina Abdul Samad
Congratulations to three IIT students who have been selected to receive the 2013 Fifty For The Future® award from the Illinois Technology Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the development of the technology talent pipeline in the State of Illinois.
First-year ITM undergraduate, Eric Tendian, was nominated by ITM Adjunct Industry Professor, Bill Slater. ITM undergraduate Zeina Abdul Samad was nominated by ITM Industry Professor Ray Trygstad. The third IIT recipient is a Computer Science graduate student, Scott Krieder.
Each student, as well as the faculty member who nominated him/her will receive a $1000 scholarship to Directions Training’s extensive catalog of offerings.
The Fifty For The Future® Celebration is attended by information technology executives, industry leaders, judges, Foundation sponsors and other supporters of the technology industry. The students will receive their awards at the 7th Annual Celebration event November 12 at the Chicago Cultural Center.
New Members of IIT’s Beta Chapter of Gamma Nu Eta, the National Information Technology Honor Society, were inducted on Monday, August 26th, 2013. Pictured above are Lei Zhang MITM; Industry Professor Ray Trygstad, Beta Chapter Adviser and ΓNH Professional Member; Srissa Dharampal MITM; Jeremy Stell ’14; Ziena Abdul-Samad ’15; Adjunct Industry Associate Professor Madeleine England ’11 MITM ’12, Beta Chapter Administrator and Past President; Brian Bailey MITM; Bartlomiej A. Dworak ’15; Ilo Miladinoski ’13; Michael Meier ’14; Justin Callanan ’14; Annie Ross MITM; Amulya N. Pothapragada MITM; René Tapia ’12 MITM; Ye Li MITM; Kumaran Ramanujam MITM; and Professor Bob Carlson, Dean of the IIT School of Applied Technology and ΓNH Professional Member.
Not pictured: Mark Adams ’13.
The Induction Ceremony took place in the Ballroom of IIT’s McCormick Tribune Campus Center, Chicago, Illinois. A reception followed the ceremony. Photos of the ceremony are available on the SAT Facebook page.

Dr. Gregory N. Hughes of RPI is inducted into Gamma Nu Eta by Bill Wesselman, IIT Beta Chapter president
The 2013 National Conference of Gamma Nu Eta, the National Information Technology Honor Society, was hosted by IIT’s School of Applied Technology on April 5th through the 7th. Industry Professor of Information Technology and Management Ray Trygstad is the Chair of the ΓNH National Board of Directors and the Adviser of IIT’s Beta Chapter. IIT Beta Chapter’s Charter President, Madeleine England–who now serves as the Chapter Administrator–and Beta Chapter President Bill Wesselman are also members of the National Board of Gamma Nu Eta. During the meeting, Bill Wesselman inducted Dr. Gregory N. Hughes, founder of the information technology degree program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, as a Professional Member of IIT’s Beta Chapter of Gamma Nu Eta. Prior to his appointment as the first Vice Provost for Information Technology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Dr. Hughes had a distinguished career as a senior executive at AT&T/Lucent Technologies, and as President of AT&T’s Transmission Systems Business he received the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award from President George Bush.

IIT′s Beta Chapter of Gamma Nu Eta, the National Information Technology Honor Society, was privileged to induct fourteen new members at their fall Induction Ceremony on Friday, September 14th. Newly inducted members include Benro Adeyemo, Sabae Aye, Adrian Cabrera, Xio Long Chen, Jason Choe, Jason Crawford, Mariusz Gladys, Robbie Parish, Indhi Powlette, Mulin Shen, Phillip Shriner, Tianjiao Sun, Carly Swanson and Kbrom Tewoldu. You can see more photos of the ceremony on the Gamma Nu Eta Facebook page. Congratulations to all these students for this recognition of their sustained superior academic performance!
Come learn more about our Honor Society, Gamma Nu Eta, at our Spring Meet and Greet in Man-0n-the-Bench Park from noon to 2pm, Tuesday April 24th. FREE PIZZA!
ITM Industry Associate Professor Valerie Scarlata received the Chicago Career Tech (CCT) Outstanding Instructor award at a ceremony on Friday, October 28 in the IIT Tower. The award, which did not exist before Val’s previous and current students lobbied for its addition to the CCT honors, was given for her outstanding teaching efforts and willingness to help outside the classroom with resume reviews and interview tips. Read more about CCT at IIT Today…
IIT’s Beta Chapter of Gamma Nu Eta, the National Information Technology Honor Society, inducted fifteen new members on Friday, October 21st. Membership is open to both undergraduate and graduate students who are invited to pledge based on their academic record and commitment to their studies and the profession.

New Gamma Nu Eta Beta Chapter members for Fall 2011
New members inducted include Mervyn Anthony, Mohamed Bouraze, Shivakumar Dorai, Maya Embar, Terence Fernandes, Stephen E. Felix, Joshua Hensley, Isioma Ijeh, Terrance Komperda, Ganesh Magal, Kostantinos Sekalias, Erfan Setork, Jason Shy, Michal Siuty, and William Wesselman. See the
Gamma Nu Eta Beta Chapter website for more details.