2012-2014 Bulletins are Published Online
The new Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins are now available online! The programs of study and requirements laid out in these books apply to all students who entered IIT for the first time in the fall of 2012. In addition, the revised specializations apply to all students in the program, as it is not uncommon that courses offered in previous versions of the specializations may no longer be available and the specializations in the new editions of the Bulletins are more flexible and offer students more options. By the way, the picture on the cover of the Undergraduate Bulletin is one of the most amazing pictures of the IIT campus and our place in Chicago that I have ever seen. Kudos and hats off to Carol Orze in Undergraduate Academic Affairs and Julia Chase in Graduate Academic Affairs for all of their hard work on these books.
Undergraduate Bulletin:
ITM Excerpt from the Undergraduate Bulletin: http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/Undergraduate_Bulletin_2012_2014_ITM_Content.pdf
Graduate Bulletin: http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/graduatebulletin/
ITM Excerpt from the Graduate Bulletin: http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/Graduate_Bulletin_2012_2014_ITM_Content.pdf