Here are the Spring 2015 ITM Undergraduate Advising Notes! Undergrads should read through these before meeting with your adviser.

ITM students Bill Wesselman and Maya Embar display their award for ACM RIIT 2014 Best Paper.
The Best Paper Award at the 3rd annual Association for Computing Machinery’s Research in Information Technology conference was won this year by the IIT ITM student team of Maya Embar, Louis McHugh, and William Wesselman for their paper “Printer Water-Mark Obfuscation”. Also presenting at the conference was ITM student Ben Khodja ( “Probabilistically Detecting Steganography withinMP3 Files” ) and ITM alumnus David Stacey (“Passive Warden Using Statistical Steganalysis”). The IIT papers were presented at a session chaired by Industry Professor Ray Trygstad, Associate Chair of IIT’s Department of Information Technology and Management. The RIIT conference was held in conjunction with the annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education, October 15-18, 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia. Congratulations to Maya, Louis, and Bill for this recognition of their accomplishment.
This is the second year that an IIT paper has won the Best Paper award at RIIT. At last year’s RIIT conference in Orlando, Dr. C. Robert Carlson, Dean of the IIT School of Applied Technology, along with Dr. Sargon Hasso, a former PhD student of Dr. Carlson’s, won the award for their paper “Design Patterns as First-Class Connectors”.
Three IIT ITM student research papers are being presented at the 3rd annual Association for Computing Machinery’s Research in Information Technology conference, being held October 15-18, 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia in conjunction with the annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education. IIT student papers “Printer Water-Mark Obfuscation” by Maya Embar, Louis McHugh, and William Wesselman; “Probabilistically Detecting Steganography withinMP3 Files” by Ben Khodja; and “Passive Warden Using Statistical Steganalysis” by David Stacey will be presented in the Friday morning RIIT session, which will be chaired by Industry Professor Ray Trygstad, Associate Chair of IIT’s Department of Information Technology and Management. Also attending the conference will be Dr. C. Robert Carlson, Dean of the IIT School of Applied Technology.
At last year’s RIIT conference in Orlando, Dean Carlson, along with Dr. Sargon Hasso, a former PhD student of Dr. Carlson’s, presented the paper “Design Patterns as First-Class Connectors” which was awarded the Best Paper award from the conference. Also presenting at the 2013 conference were IIT alumnus Mikhail Zaturenskiy, “MP3 Files as a Steganography Medium,” and IIT ITM alumnus Fernando Seror Garcia, “DNS (Do Not Suspect).”
Congratulations to all of our students presenting this year and thanks as well to all of those ITM students who submitted their research for consideration for the conference.
How much space do you have on your MyIIT Google Drive? If your answer was anything less than infinite, you were wrong. According to an announcement yesterday on the Google for Education Blog, Drive for Education is available to all Google Apps for Education accounts at no charge
and will include:
- Unlimited storage: No more worrying about how much space you have left or about which user needs more gigabytes. Drive for Education supports individual files up to 5TB in size and will be available in coming weeks.
- Vault: Google Apps Vault, Google’s solution for search and discovery for compliance needs, will be coming free to all Apps for Education users by the end of the year.
- Enhanced Auditing: Reporting and auditing tools and an Audit API easily let you see the activity of a file, are also on the way.