Ready to share knowledge and experience with students, educators, researchers and professionals at the next Women in Cybersecurity WiCyS Conference in 2021 in AURORA, CO on March 25-27, 2021? The four tracks this year are Today’s Technology and Challenges, Looking Ahead, Best Practices, and Career Development. The conference itself offers technical workshops, student poster competitions, panel discussions and lightning talks, among a bevy of other opportunities. Accepted proposals will receive ONE complimentary registration per accepted proposal. You do not need to be a WiCyS member to submit a proposal or be accepted to participate at WiCyS 2021.
THE DEADLINE TO APPLY IS NOVEMBER 1. Acceptance notification is January 4, 2021. Submit your proposal at
Student Membership in the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) is now free since their merger with CompTIA. Among the significant benefits provided to student members is 33% to 60% savings on CompTIA exam vouchers & training products, but there are many more including great networking opportunities. Chicago has one of the largest AITP Chapters in the country and is very active. This costs NOTHING and every ITM student should sign up for their free student membership at and then sign onto the Chicago Chapter email list at
A major concern in our industry over the last few years has been the declining number of women in the computing fields. IT is not like other industries where there is a “glass ceiling”, a level above which women cannot rise: there are numerous examples of women CIOs in Chicago alone, including the former CIO of Boeing Corporation Kim Hammonds, now Global Chief Operating Officer of Deutsche Bank AG. And of course there’s Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, and Megan Smith, CTO of the United States. But we understand that it is difficult being female in a male-majority industry. Our department is strongly committed to doing everything we can to reduce this gender imbalance and to ensure that every student in our program is successful. Because this is a serious concern, I wanted to take an opportunity to share some resources to support women in IT. And guys: you should at least read the articles so you can begin to understand why this is an issue. Read more…
New Members of IIT’s Beta Chapter of Gamma Nu Eta, the National Information Technology Honor Society, were inducted on Monday, August 26th, 2013. Pictured above are Lei Zhang MITM; Industry Professor Ray Trygstad, Beta Chapter Adviser and ΓNH Professional Member; Srissa Dharampal MITM; Jeremy Stell ’14; Ziena Abdul-Samad ’15; Adjunct Industry Associate Professor Madeleine England ’11 MITM ’12, Beta Chapter Administrator and Past President; Brian Bailey MITM; Bartlomiej A. Dworak ’15; Ilo Miladinoski ’13; Michael Meier ’14; Justin Callanan ’14; Annie Ross MITM; Amulya N. Pothapragada MITM; René Tapia ’12 MITM; Ye Li MITM; Kumaran Ramanujam MITM; and Professor Bob Carlson, Dean of the IIT School of Applied Technology and ΓNH Professional Member.
Not pictured: Mark Adams ’13.
The Induction Ceremony took place in the Ballroom of IIT’s McCormick Tribune Campus Center, Chicago, Illinois. A reception followed the ceremony. Photos of the ceremony are available on the SAT Facebook page.

Dr. Gregory N. Hughes of RPI is inducted into Gamma Nu Eta by Bill Wesselman, IIT Beta Chapter president
The 2013 National Conference of Gamma Nu Eta, the National Information Technology Honor Society, was hosted by IIT’s School of Applied Technology on April 5th through the 7th. Industry Professor of Information Technology and Management Ray Trygstad is the Chair of the ΓNH National Board of Directors and the Adviser of IIT’s Beta Chapter. IIT Beta Chapter’s Charter President, Madeleine England–who now serves as the Chapter Administrator–and Beta Chapter President Bill Wesselman are also members of the National Board of Gamma Nu Eta. During the meeting, Bill Wesselman inducted Dr. Gregory N. Hughes, founder of the information technology degree program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, as a Professional Member of IIT’s Beta Chapter of Gamma Nu Eta. Prior to his appointment as the first Vice Provost for Information Technology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Dr. Hughes had a distinguished career as a senior executive at AT&T/Lucent Technologies, and as President of AT&T’s Transmission Systems Business he received the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award from President George Bush.
Congratulations to the Information Technology and Management Organization (aka ITMO) for placing third–really second; ask an ITMO member to explain why–in the IIT Pumpkin Launch! You can now see the photos on Facebook…
Come learn more about our Honor Society, Gamma Nu Eta, at our Spring Meet and Greet in Man-0n-the-Bench Park from noon to 2pm, Tuesday April 24th. FREE PIZZA!
Freshly updated: the list of Chicago area information technology associations maintained as part of the Information Technology Resource Portal provided by IIT’s Information Technology and Management degree programs. See the list at
Several Information Technology and Management students have been working hard behind the scenes to form an IIT Student Chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP). An organizational meeting will be held in Perlstein room 108 at 12:45pm on Tuesday, November 15th. This organizational meeting scheduled for Nov. 15 was postponed to a later date due to scheduling conflicts.
AITP is the leading worldwide society of information technology business professionals and the community of knowledge for the current and next generation of leaders. The mission of AITP is to serve members by delivering relevant technology and leadership education, research and information on current business and technology issues, and forums for networking and collaboration. There are over 200 student chapters in AITP, and the AITP National Collegiate Conference is an annual premier event for IT/IS college & university students all over the country.
ITM undergraduates Jimyong “Jason†Choe, Deepu Kumar and Tim Cuthill are the moving force behind this effort and if you have questions, please contact them by email, or just come to the meeting on the 15th.