Here are the ITM Student Information and Departmental Policies publications for Fall 2022, and for all the new students who missed it, here are the slides and a link to the video of our New Student Orientation session held on August 19, 2022. We can’t give you doughnuts online though, so if you didn’t come to orientation you missed those.

The Spring 2021 WiCyS @ Illinois Tech Mentorship Program aims to connect cybersecurity newbies with more experienced cybersecurity students (all within Illinois Tech)!
- Sign up for the program as a mentee or mentor:
- Anyone can sign up to be a mentee.
- Mentors must have at least one year of professional, relevant experience in the cybersecurity industry
- Each mentee will be assigned one mentor. And each mentor will be assigned one mentee. (1:1)
- Mentors and mentees will be paired before the start of the Spring 2021 semester.
- Throughout the program, mentors and mentees will meet for at least 30 minutes twice a month.
- The goal is for mentors to provide mentees with guidance regarding school life, coursework, and careers in cybersecurity while creating a lasting friendship.
The deadline to apply for the program is
January 5, 2021. If you have any questions about the mentorship program, please let us know at!
The Spring 2018 ITM Undergraduate Advising Notes are now available to assist undergraduates with their Spring 2018 course selection and planning. Also available to assist in your course planning is the Pop course browser from ITM alum Eric Tendian:
Spring 2018 ITM Undergraduate Advising Notes:
The U.S. Department of Defense is offering Cyber Information Assurance Scholarships to U.S. citizens who will be Juniors, Seniors, or graduate students in the fall of 2017. This is a one-year scholarship covering full books, tuition, and a $22,500 stipend for undergraduates or a $30,000 stipend for graduate students. The scholarships are renewable but will require a new application each year. Payback is one year of federal service in a cyber security or digital forensics role for each year of scholarship, or four years of military service. Applicants must be eligible for a security clearance. Applicants are not limited to students in the Department of Information Technology and Management but may also be students in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Business, but because of the nature of the application, knowledge of and a clear understanding of cyber security is a necessity. A printed and signed physical application must be delivered to the ITM Department office, Perlstein Hall suite 223 later than 8:30am Monday May 22nd so we can evaluate and include your scholarship in our funding request, which is due May 31st. The application and details of the scholarship are included below. (Note: if you downloaded the announcement or application prior to 11:00am on Wednesday, April 19th, please download them again as the DOD provided us with updated copies.)
ATTACHMENT C IA Scholarship and Vacancy Announcement 2017
ATTACHMENT D NEW Student Application 2017-2018 (site 1)
ATTACHMENT D NEW Student Application 2017-2018 (site 2)
Contact Professor Ray Trygstad for questions: Please include “DOD Cyber Scholarship” as the first thing in the subject line of your email.
Linked below are the Department of Information Technology and Management’s requirements for computers for students entering our degrees in Fall of 2016. Please let contact Professor Trygstad if you have any questions or problems.
Every year the department publishes a specification for notebook computers for use by ITM students. It is the intent of the department to require all students entering a degree in our department starting in Fall 2016 to posses a portable computer that meets these specifications. Here is the specification for Fall 2016.

Fifty for the Future honoree Zeina Abdul Samad
Congratulations to three IIT students who have been selected to receive the 2013 Fifty For The Future® award from the Illinois Technology Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the development of the technology talent pipeline in the State of Illinois.
First-year ITM undergraduate, Eric Tendian, was nominated by ITM Adjunct Industry Professor, Bill Slater. ITM undergraduate Zeina Abdul Samad was nominated by ITM Industry Professor Ray Trygstad. The third IIT recipient is a Computer Science graduate student, Scott Krieder.
Each student, as well as the faculty member who nominated him/her will receive a $1000 scholarship to Directions Training’s extensive catalog of offerings.
The Fifty For The Future® Celebration is attended by information technology executives, industry leaders, judges, Foundation sponsors and other supporters of the technology industry. The students will receive their awards at the 7th Annual Celebration event November 12 at the Chicago Cultural Center.
IIT Information Technology and Management students presented and demonstrated their Real-Time Communications projects to
a crowd of communications professionals on May 1. Students were challenged to conduct research,and test and deploy solutions as part of the project-based learning approach at IIT School of Applied Technology. Unlike a final exam, these students had to provide a working system and defend it in front of a crowd of industry professionals—some with 30 years of experience.
Sponsors of the event included IIT School of Applied Technology, IEEE ComSoc and IEEE Fox Valley Subsection. Professor Carol Davids chaired the sessions and coordinated the student projects. The NG911 project was mentored by Joe Cusimano of Data-TelSystem Solutions. Several former IIT students also attended the event.
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The National Emergency Number Association (NENA) recently worked with IIT Professor Carol Davids and ITM students to test 911 emergency services at IIT’s Real-Time Communications Lab.
In the left picture, IIT students Michal Siuty and Kbrom Tewoldu work with IIT Mentor Joe Cusimano, NENA ICE-5 Participants and representatives as they test the 911 emergency service. The NENA event was held at IIT’s Real-Time Communications Lab at the Rice Campus in Wheaton Illinois. More than 50 vendors and NENA representatives gathered to test the interoperability of the vendors’ products which support an all-IP backbone for the delivery of Emergency 911 services, and in particular support their use by the hearing impaired community.
In the right picture, Professor Carol Davids looks on as NENA representatives and NENA ICE-5 participants demonstrate how the Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) supports voice and video calls and text messages to Pubic Service Access Point (PSAP) call takers. In this photo, hearing-impaired callers and their American Sign Language interpreters use the video capabilities of the system as well as the text function to complete an emergency call.
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