Hey ITM students! YOU CAN POST COMMENTS ON OUR BLOG! I am really, really weary of moderating comments and never having any real comments, although many of the spam comments I eliminate are rather amusing and maybe I’ll strip out the spammy links and let some go through just for giggles. ALSO, there is a mobile version of the blog for your Android or iPhone, and there is an RSS feed to add it to your iGoogle or Yahoo homepage. You can also suggest items to post to the blog—or you can even sign up to be a student blogger—by emailing Professor Trygstad. So get with it…read, comment, contribute.
Speaking Tuesday at in Palo Alto, California, the country’s Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel discussed innovation in the federal IT landscape. He says cybersecurity concerns should not be used as an excuse not to innovate. If you let the videos roll, you will also hear from U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano; from Howard Schmidt, White House Cybersecurity Czar; and from Aneesh Chopra, CTO of the United States. View the video on ZDNet…
Freshly updated: the list of Chicago area information technology associations maintained as part of the Information Technology Resource Portal provided by IIT’s Information Technology and Management degree programs. See the list at https://www.itm.iit.edu/resources/itassociations.php
ForenSecure12 – IT Forensics & Security Conference & Expo (Formerly NetSecure)
April 19 & 20, 2012
Illinois Institute of Technology – Wheaton, IL (Chicago Area)
We invite your participation as a sponsor/exhibitor, speaker, or attendee of ForenSecure™12: IT Forensics and Security Conference and Expo at Illinois Institute of Technology. This multi-track, technical conference attracts 200+ professionals for an intensive one- and a half-day schedule that includes discussion and debate over forensics, security, data/information
governance, cyber crime and security, ethical hacking, eDiscovery, cloud forensics, steganography, policy and compliance, privacy, wireless security, cloud computing, identity theft, and more. Read on for full details of how you can be a part of this event… Read more…
Topic: Project Presentations and Demonstrations by IIT Students in
Real-Time Communications
Wednesday, November 30, 6:30-9:30 PM
Speakers: IIT Students and Mentors
You are invited to join us for presentations, demonstrations and poster sessions about the Real-Time Communications projects created by students in the VoIP and Data-Communications courses of IIT’s School of Applied Technology. Click “Read more…” to see the full agenda and registration details… Read more…
ITM Industry Associate Professor Valerie Scarlata received the Chicago Career Tech (CCT) Outstanding Instructor award at a ceremony on Friday, October 28 in the IIT Tower. The award, which did not exist before Val’s previous and current students lobbied for its addition to the CCT honors, was given for her outstanding teaching efforts and willingness to help outside the classroom with resume reviews and interview tips. Read more about CCT at IIT Today…
The Information Technology and Management program textbook list for the Spring 2012 term is now available at http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/ITM_Booklist_12S.pdf.
Professor Bill Lidinsky and ITM student Shauna Martin were interviewed as part of a recent ABC 7 news story on the privacy of smart phones and social networks.

Several Information Technology and Management students have been working hard behind the scenes to form an IIT Student Chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP). An organizational meeting will be held in Perlstein room 108 at 12:45pm on Tuesday, November 15th. This organizational meeting scheduled for Nov. 15 was postponed to a later date due to scheduling conflicts.
AITP is the leading worldwide society of information technology business professionals and the community of knowledge for the current and next generation of leaders. The mission of AITP is to serve members by delivering relevant technology and leadership education, research and information on current business and technology issues, and forums for networking and collaboration. There are over 200 student chapters in AITP, and the AITP National Collegiate Conference is an annual premier event for IT/IS college & university students all over the country.
ITM undergraduates Jimyong “Jason†Choe, Deepu Kumar and Tim Cuthill are the moving force behind this effort and if you have questions, please contact them by email, or just come to the meeting on the 15th.