Spring 2013 Registration Notes
Here’s more on Spring 2013 course registration, now underway at IIT. Since registration opened, we have added the following courses for Spring 2013:
CRN/Course#-Section#/Course Name/Format/Hours/Days-Time/Seats/Location/Inst.
25900 ITMM 482-01 Business Innovation LEC 3 Thurs 6:25-9:05pm 10 Main WH-315 Praveen Gupta
25901 ITMM 582-01 Business Innovation LEC 3 Thurs 6:25-9:05pm 15 Main WH-315 Praveen Gupta
Also take a look at the Joint Workshop course offered in conjunction with IIT’s world-renowned Institute of Design…
For Undergraduates:
If you have not seen Professor Trygstad for advising, please read the Spring 2013 Advising Notes and make an appointment with him for advising at your earliest opportunity!
If you have attempted without success to register for BUS 221, Professor Twombly from undergraduate business has assured us that he will open the course to non-business majors after Thanksgiving–so hang in there and give it a try then.
For Graduate Students:
Despite the fact that ITMO 547 Projects & Advanced Methods in Telecomm Over Data Networks is shown on the schedule as meeting at Rice Campus Mondays 1:50pm-5:40pm, YOU DON’T HAVE TO COME TO THE RICE CAMPUS ON MONDAYS TO BE IN ITMO 547. It’s a project course and project teams and individuals will meet weekly and decide on which day and which campus they will meet. Please contact Professor Carol Davids if you have ANY questions about this course.