Students enrolled in IIT School of Applied Technology’s Embedded Systems and Reconfigurable Logic Design course (ITMT 492/593) gave their final project presentations on Tuesday, December 2 in The McCormick Tribune Campus Center Auditorium. The course, taught by faculty members Jeremy Hajek and Dan Tomal, focused on students working on projects designed to solve real-world problems using a range of technical solutions.
Each presentation was technically focused and included a demonstration. Afterward, the projects were available for viewing, and audience members were able to interact with the students and the projects. The student projects included:
Wearable Home Automation Framework
Bart Dworak (ITM), Sydney Hardwick (ITM), Eduardo Villanueva (ITM), Olivia Minton (ITM)
Building a Smart Home
Colin Redmond (ITM), Dean Nelson (ITM), Brian Curtis (ITM), Awa Ka (ITM)
Following Mirror
Cheol-won Seo (ITM), Kyeongmin Kang (ITM), Jusung Mun (ITM)
RFID ID Reader for Class Presence
Bianca Canalli Zagueto (INTM), Josmar Baruffaldi Cristello (MMAE), Javier Moreno Valdecantos (ITM)
Mobile Flood Prediction System
Alysson Gustavo Andrade Souza (CS), Luiz Mariano Pinto (MMAE), Israel Aries Candido (ECE)
Automotive Media Center with Real-Time GPS Tracking
Clint Bhola (ITM)
Let Me Show You The Future—Internet of Things Networking
Jeremy Hajek (Industry Associate Professor ITM department)
See the complete story and more pictures
The Information Technology and Management (ITM) program in the School of Applied Technology seeks to work with other programs, integrating efforts and producing cross-curricular project results. Frameworks for additional research possibilities will result, enabling researchers and departments to learn and grow together.
Learn more about the embedded systems student presentations and demonstrations by clicking here. Learn more about additional ITM student projects at this link.

Pictured above Bob Carlson, Dean, IIT School of Applied Technology, far right, reviews the Mobile Flood Prediction System.

Pictured above Dean Nelson (ITM) left side, Colin Redmond (ITM), and Awa Ka (ITM) demonstrate Home Automation – Building a Smart Home Using openHAB.