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Students Join ACM for Free!

October 14, 2020 author:

Illinois Tech ACM-W members at the Anita Borg Conference.

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the oldest and broadest professional society for those of us in the computing professions. We just concluded the Annual Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education (ACM SIGITE 2020) where ITM faculty and students presented nine papers and posters. Participation in ACM “offers critical benefits that empower computing students who are committed to self-improvement and success in their chosen fields” as well as opportunities to network, learn, and grow. For a limited time, ACM is offering FREE one-year student memberships! (Student membership is usually $19.) Benefits of membership include:

  • Communications of the ACM – the trusted source for computing professionals, features emerging technologies, IT trends, news, opinion, research and practical applications
  • XRDS – published by and for students – featuring research highlights, opinions, upcoming events, and grant/funding opportunities
  • Custom collection of online books, videos and courses by SkillSoft covering the most in-demand skills, software, and technologies for computing professionals
  • ACM TechTalks – webinars featuring the most sought-after speakers on today’s hottest computing topics
  • ACM ByteCast – podcast conversations with researchers, practitioners, and innovators who are at the intersection of computing research and practice
  • And many more

So do it! Join today at https://www.acm.org/studentjoin. It’s free for a year. And while you’re at it, interact with your fellow Illinois Tech ACM members through one of our ACM student chapters: Illinois Tech ACM and Illinois Tech Association for Computing Machinery-Women (ACM-W). For more information on ACM student membership, see their brochure at https://itm.iit.edu/data/ACM-brochure-student.pdf.