Spring 2019 ITM Undergraduate Advising Notes are now available! Click the link to see them…
The Spring 2018 ITM Undergraduate Advising Notes are now available to assist undergraduates with their Spring 2018 course selection and planning. Also available to assist in your course planning is the Pop course browser from ITM alum Eric Tendian: https://pop.weclarify.com/spring2018.html.
Spring 2018 ITM Undergraduate Advising Notes: http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/Spring2018ITMUndergraduateAdvisingNotes.pdf
The Fall 2013 DRAFT ITM Course Schedule matrix is now available for download. This shows ITM live courses as they are currently scheduled. The full Fall 2013 IIT Course Schedule will be live on the Web on Monday, March 25, 2013, and registration will open for selected students on Monday, April 8, 2013.
In addition to the live courses and their corresponding online sections, there will be one online-only topics course on Mainframe Technologies which will include live labs on an IBM mainframe system. A new course for Fall is ITMO 417/ITMO 517, Shell Scripting for System Administration, which will be taught by Sam Shamsuddin. We will also be offering the UNIX sysadmin course, ITMO 452/ITMO 552, and for Grad students specializing in Systems Analysis, MIS and Data Management, Dean Oob Carlson will be teaching ITMT 531 Object Oriented System Analysis, Modeling and Design, a course you DO NOT want to miss out on. Also at the Rice Campus, we will be offering a Monday afternoon session of ITMS 448/ITMS 548 Cyber Security Technologies as well as the usual Wednesday evening section. ITMS 555 Mobile Device Forensics will run at Rice on Monday evenings. ITMS 443/ITMS 543 Vulnerability Analysis and Control (Ethical Hacking) will run on Tuesday evenings at Rice and will also run online with a requirement to attend the first class session live; we’ll work something out for transportation for Main Campus students for that session. Jeremy Hajek will teach ITMT 492 Embedded Systems and Reconfigurable Logic Design on Wednesday afternoons at Rice. At the Main Campus ITMO 456 Intro to Open Source Operating Systems (Linux+) will run as a live lab course on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons; this will be an acceptable substitute for ITM 302 which is not being offered. ITMO 455/ITMO 555 which will cover iOS development this term will run in the Idea Shop on Monday evenings. Noland Joiner, our authority on healthcare IT, will again teach the Introduction to Healthcare IT course on Thursday evenings. This is the prerequisite for a projected four additional graduate-level courses in Healthcare IT, so if you want to take those be sure to grab this class.
We expect to offer a late afternoon Rice Campus bus as well as the early afternoon bus we currently run, so students only doing an evening course at Rice can come out later. We are planning that both of the afternoon buses will also be available for students who want transportation direct to Main Campus from Rice, but there will be no late bus (after 9pm) returning to the Rice Campus.

We know it’s sometimes hard to believe in the depths of a Chicago winter, but summer really will arrive in Chicago later this year. When summer comes, so do summer courses. There’s a PDF file online now of our summer courses at Course descriptions are in the Summer Bulletin, at . Check them out: we think you find something you’ll really like…