The new Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins are now available online! The programs of study and requirements laid out in these books apply to all students who entered IIT for the first time in the fall of 2012. In addition, the revised specializations apply to all students in the program, as it is not uncommon that courses offered in previous versions of the specializations may no longer be available and the specializations in the new editions of the Bulletins are more flexible and offer students more options. By the way, the picture on the cover of the Undergraduate Bulletin is one of the most amazing pictures of the IIT campus and our place in Chicago that I have ever seen. Kudos and hats off to Carol Orze in Undergraduate Academic Affairs and Julia Chase in Graduate Academic Affairs for all of their hard work on these books.
Undergraduate Bulletin:
ITM Excerpt from the Undergraduate Bulletin: http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/Undergraduate_Bulletin_2012_2014_ITM_Content.pdf
Graduate Bulletin: http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/graduatebulletin/
ITM Excerpt from the Graduate Bulletin: http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/Graduate_Bulletin_2012_2014_ITM_Content.pdf
A PDF version of the ITM course schedule for Fall 2012 is available at http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/Fall2012ITMCourses.pdf. If you are having trouble finding ITM courses on the drop-down menus in MyIIT, see our previous blog entry that explains how it works. The only change is that ITM courses are now listed as “ITM” instead of “IT”.
An updated version of the course matrix, a visual representation of Fall ITM courses as they occur in the week, is available at http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/ITM_Course_Schedule_Fall2012_matrix.pdf. There is also a full listing of courses offered by the ITM program along with the term in which they are normally offered at http://www.itm.iit.edu/data/CoursesInITM.pdf.
Folks seem to be having trouble getting to the ITM summer course listings through MyIIT. If you go into MyIIT, select Look Up Classes, select Search By Term: Summer 2012, select Information Tech and Mgmt, and click on “Course Search”, it will then show you a list of ALL courses offered by the department, whether they are offered in the current term or not; it is NOT a list of courses offered this summer. If you select “Advanced Search” instead of “Course Search”, than select Information Tech and Mgmt, then click on “Section Search”, then it will show you the full list of courses offered this summer. OR just to make your life easier, just see the following PDF file: Information Technology and Management Summer 20912 Course Offerings
Fall and Summer 2012 registration opens today for graduate students and fifth-year seniors!
of Fall, ITM 4XX and 5XX courses now have have four-letter Subject Codes and can be found listed under IT Development (ITMD), IT Management (ITMM), IT Operations (ITMO), IT Security (ITMS) and IT Theory and Technology (ITMT). The ITM subject code has been retained for 100- through 300-level courses. To view ALL ITM courses in MyIIT, hold your control key down and select all ITM courses by clicking on the choices as shown at the right. By the way, all previously existing courses still carry the same number but now have a new subject code. In addition, one other course offered by the School of Applied Technology is listed under our TECH subject code, indicating it is a course available to ALL graduate students in the School of Applied Technology; the course is TECH 581, Consulting for Technical Professionals, taught by Adjunct Professor Bonnie A. Goins who has many very successful years of practical experience in the field.
If you’ve been looking at the course schedule, there were a few last-minute additions: ITMM 482 Business Innovation, ITMO 542 Wireless Technologies and Applications, ITMS 443/543 Vulnerability Analysis (ethical hacking) and ITMO 547 Telecommunications Over Data Networks: Projects and Advanced Methods.
Significant courses for graduate students that are offered this term that are offered on an infrequent basis include ITMD 563 Intermediate Web Application Development (dot Net framework with C#); ITMM 586 Information Technology Auditing (ISACA CISA content); ITMO 551 Distributed Workstation System Administration (MS Windows Sysadmin); ITMO 557 Storage Technologies (new this term: covers RAID, SANs, NAS, cloud storage, and more); ITMS 555 Mobile Device Forensics (also new this term: forensic investigation of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices); ITMT 535 Data Center Architecture (a key element of our datacenter curriculum); and TECH 581 Consulting for Technical Professionals (if you ever want to be a consultant, you need this course). Undergraduates…should see their adviser’s Advising Notes at http://trygstad.rice.iit.edu/Fall2012ITMUndergraduateAdvisingNotes.pdf
When the Fall 2012 course schedule is published, you will notice something different: instead of ITM, courses in our program will have four-character “subject codes”. They’ll still all start with ITM but the fourth character will indicate a broad subject area. The new subject codes are:
ITMD Development: Application development, web development, multimedia, data management
ITMM Management: Management of information technology, business, law and ethics
ITMO Operations: Networking, communications, operating systems and system administration
ITMS Security: Security and forensics
ITMT Theory and Technology: Theory, systems, system design & general topics in IT
Initially all courses will still have the same number as they did before the transition, but new courses will gradually begin to overlap numbers so you will need to read both the subject code and the number to make sure it’s the correct course. 100-, 200- and 300-level courses will retain the familiar three-letter ITM subject code. We know it’s a bit of a hassle, but really, this is a good thing: it only happened because our program is so healthy that we were in danger of running out of course numbers!