Ready to share knowledge and experience with students, educators, researchers and professionals at the next Women in Cybersecurity WiCyS Conference in 2021 in AURORA, CO on March 25-27, 2021? The four tracks this year are Today’s Technology and Challenges, Looking Ahead, Best Practices, and Career Development. The conference itself offers technical workshops, student poster competitions, panel discussions and lightning talks, among a bevy of other opportunities. Accepted proposals will receive ONE complimentary registration per accepted proposal. You do not need to be a WiCyS member to submit a proposal or be accepted to participate at WiCyS 2021.
THE DEADLINE TO APPLY IS NOVEMBER 1. Acceptance notification is January 4, 2021. Submit your proposal at
Quantum computing is expected to change the face of cybersecurity. What is the quantum threat to public key #cryptography? Over in the CNSP #blog, CSNP COO and co-founder Emily Stamm shares the current state of post-quantum cryptography. Read it here:

Most of us are familiar with the huge quantity of cybersecurity publications from the National Institute for Standards and Technology, but they have a standardization role that reaches far beyond security. A prime example that many of us might find useful is the NIST Big Data interoperability Framework (NBDIF). Built as a vendor-neutral, technology- and infrastructure-independent ecosystem; it can enable Big Data stakeholders (e.g. data scientists, researchers, etc.) to utilize the best available analytics tools to process and derive knowledge through the use of standard interfaces between swappable architectural components. It is a series of 10 NIST Special Publications:
NBDIF V3.0 Final Version
1. NIST SP 1500-1r2 -- Volume 1: Definitions
2. NIST SP 1500-2r2 -- Volume 2: Taxonomies
3. NIST SP 1500-3r2 -- Volume 3: Use Case & Requirements
4. NIST SP 1500-4r2 -- Volume 4: Security and Privacy
5. NIST SP 1500-5 -- Volume 5: Architectures White Paper Survey
6. NIST SP 1500-6r2 -- Volume 6: Reference Architecture
7. NIST SP 1500-7r2 -- Volume 7: Standards Roadmap
8. NIST SP 1500-9r1 -- Volume 8: Reference Architecture Interface
9. NIST SP 1500-10r1 -- Volume 9: Modernization and Adoption
All found at And as always with everything from NIST (since our tax dollars paid for this), it’s free.
We need students to help with the 2015 ACM Special Interest Group in IT Education (SIGITE)/Research in Information Technology (RIIT) Annual Conference, September 30th through October 3rd. The Conference location is at DePaul University in the loop, on the eighth floor of the DePaul Center at 1 E. Jackson Blvd. This is an 8-minute ride on the Green Line, getting off at Adams & Wabash.
SIGITE is the leading academic conference in the information technology field. IIT School of Applied Technology is a Platinum Sponsor for this year’s Conference and we have three student research papers being presented. We would really like to see IIT ITM well represented in pokies this effort. For additional details and to sign up to volunteer, please go to .
Thanks! We know we can rely on ITM students to pitch in and show DePaul how committed we are!
See ITM student presentations, demonstrations and poster sessions on Wednesday, April 29 from 5:30-8:30 PM. Free
Presentations include:
- Indoor Location for NG911
- NG9-1-1 test beds
- The Gateway Project
- SIP Registration Rates
- Voice over IIT at Main Campus
See details
Jeremy Hajek, ITM Industry Associate Professor, and ITM student Mark Milhouse spoke at the 25th Annual DePaul Law Review Symposium “The UAS Dilemma: Unlimited Potential, Unresolved Concerns”, on their Automated Drone. They discussed the IT and technical challenges of an automated drone.
See the presentation > >
The article titled “Exploiting Intellectual Capital for Economic Renewal” was written by Dr. C. Robert Carlson, Dean of the School of Applied Technology, former ITM professor Praveen Gupta, and Helena Santos Rodrigues. It appears in the International Journal of Innovation Science Volume 7 –Number 1 – 2015. The study proposes a model to analyze the relationship between leadership, intellectual capital (human, structural, and relational), and their contribution to economic renewal.
See the article abstract
Jeremy Hajek’s, Industry Associate Professor of Information Technology and Management, comments appear in the article “Home Security Systems, Peripherals Said to Be Vulnerable to Hacking” in Security Sales & Integration magazine.
Learn more

ITM students Bill Wesselman and Maya Embar display their award for ACM RIIT 2014 Best Paper.
The Best Paper Award at the 3rd annual Association for Computing Machinery’s Research in Information Technology conference was won this year by the IIT ITM student team of Maya Embar, Louis McHugh, and William Wesselman for their paper “Printer Water-Mark Obfuscation”. Also presenting at the conference was ITM student Ben Khodja ( “Probabilistically Detecting Steganography withinMP3 Files” ) and ITM alumnus David Stacey (“Passive Warden Using Statistical Steganalysis”). The IIT papers were presented at a session chaired by Industry Professor Ray Trygstad, Associate Chair of IIT’s Department of Information Technology and Management. The RIIT conference was held in conjunction with the annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education, October 15-18, 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia. Congratulations to Maya, Louis, and Bill for this recognition of their accomplishment.
This is the second year that an IIT paper has won the Best Paper award at RIIT. At last year’s RIIT conference in Orlando, Dr. C. Robert Carlson, Dean of the IIT School of Applied Technology, along with Dr. Sargon Hasso, a former PhD student of Dr. Carlson’s, won the award for their paper “Design Patterns as First-Class Connectors”.
ITM faculty members and students will not only attend, but will present and chair sessions at the 14th Annual Conference in Information Technology Education (SIGITE) and the 2nd Annual Conference on Research in Information Technology (RIIT) in Orlando, Florida, October 9-12, 2013. This dual conference, conducted by the Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Special Interest Group in Information Technology Education (SIGITE), provides a forum for sharing and developing ideas relating to Information Technology research, education, applications, IT-industry-academia relationships and our roles as professionals, educators, and advocates for the effective use of Information Technology.
School of Applied Technology Dean Dr. C. Robert “Bob” Carlson will chair Paper Session A2: Mobile and will present a paper, “Design Patterns as First-Class Connectors.” ITM graduate student Mikhail Zaturenskiy will present his paper “MP3 Files As A Steganography Medium” while graduate student Fernando Seror Garcia will conduct an RIIT Poster Session session entitled “DNS (Do Not Suspect).” ITM Associate Chair Ray Trygstad will also attend the conference.