Jeremy Hajek (BITM ’04, MITM ’07) has been appointed Industry Associate Professor of Information Technology and Management, assuming full-time faculty responsibilities. He has also been promoted to Systems Architect in the School of Applied Technology information technology organization; the SAT Computer Systems Managers at Main and Rice Campuses will report to him in this capacity.

Madeleine England (BITM ’11, MITM ’12) has been promoted to Program Manager for the Information Technology and Management degree programs from her previous part-time position as Program Coordinator, and has also been appointed Adjunct Industry Associate Professor of Information Technology and Management. She will also be assuming the responsibility of Director of Graduate Admissions for Information Technology and Management over the next few months.
Come learn more about our Honor Society, Gamma Nu Eta, at our Spring Meet and Greet in Man-0n-the-Bench Park from noon to 2pm, Tuesday April 24th. FREE PIZZA!
IIT’s Professional Learning program has been working with Chicago Career Tech (CCT) to help educate and retrain unemployed people for technology related jobs. We recently received this encouraging email that IIT is making a difference.
With 2011 drawing to a close, I want to share our deep gratitude for your support of Chicago Career Tech and offer a snapshot of our busy year. Earlier this year, Chicago Career Tech became an independent not-for-profit corporation and recently received official 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service. This is a huge accomplishment for our organization that is not even two years old.
Program highlights from 2011 include:
- 781 Chicago residents participated in the program in 2011
- 93% of our third class graduated from the program last month and 91% from the second in May
- 63% of our second class graduates have self-reported they have secured employment while 18% are continuing their education
- 173 business, nonprofit and government partners provided hands-on learning experiences to participants in 2011’s three classes
- 149 organizations hired Chicago Career Tech graduates in 2011
While we are very proud of the numbers above, it is the success of Chicago Career Tech participants that motivates our team. I encourage you to visit the Success Stories on our website and meet some of our graduates and participants. A few of our graduates who recently secured employed shared the following with us:
“I love my job, I love the people that I work with and I am so grateful to CCT for existing… I gained more than I had even hoped for.”
– Class 3 Graduate, Microsoft Certified Application Specialist track
“My training through CCT has given my marketable skills an amazing boost. But it has done more than that. The program has taken me from a low point (no job, no income, no money) to a position of growth and excellence. I am so happy to be a part of this program.”
– Class 3 Graduate, SharePoint track
It’s people like these recent graduates who inspire us every day at Chicago Career Tech. However, we cannot do this without you. It is because of your generous support and partnership that 950 families are celebrating the holiday season and begin the New Year with renewed optimism. We look forward to your continued support that will impact even more of our neighbors in 2012.
Marie Trzupek Lynch
Chicago Career Tech
Congratulations to IIT’s School of Applied Technology students for their award winning IPROs, student projects, and completion of final exams. We wish you a happy and safe holiday season and look forward to seeing you when classes begin on January 9th.
— C. Robert Carlson, Dean of IIT’s School of Applied Technology
IIT’s Beta Chapter of Gamma Nu Eta, the National Information Technology Honor Society, inducted fifteen new members on Friday, October 21st. Membership is open to both undergraduate and graduate students who are invited to pledge based on their academic record and commitment to their studies and the profession.

New Gamma Nu Eta Beta Chapter members for Fall 2011
New members inducted include Mervyn Anthony, Mohamed Bouraze, Shivakumar Dorai, Maya Embar, Terence Fernandes, Stephen E. Felix, Joshua Hensley, Isioma Ijeh, Terrance Komperda, Ganesh Magal, Kostantinos Sekalias, Erfan Setork, Jason Shy, Michal Siuty, and William Wesselman. See the
Gamma Nu Eta Beta Chapter website for more details.